Practising mindfulness in teacher-led online sessions is a great way to explore, learn and deepen your practice without leaving your home. Connecting with others is even more important in today's uncertain climate and mindfulness can support you and help you navigate these challenging times.
I offer a variety of online mindfulness practice opportunities
These sessions are suitable for all levels. We come together online via Zoom (you can choose whether to have your video on or off) and we practice together for a short time. I usually share a poem that offers a suggestion for an informal practice to experiment with your day.
If you miss the session you can watch it on catch-up through the private Mindfulness on the Go Facebook page.
These sessions are freely given however if you appreciate them and wish to you can visit my ko-fi page and 'buy me a coffee' through this link here.
Sign up to receive your link to the morning sessions on the left
These online sessions take place either in the evening or daytime. Each session lasts an hour and the emphasis is on practice and reflection. They are suitable for everyone unless specified otherwise.
This evening session will focus on embodying the qualities of a mountain in a sitting practice and include reflection on how we can bring that into our daily life. Suitable for everyone.
How Much? £10 (Practice for Living Members £7)
This lunchtime session will focus on the Lake - a practice that is about receiving and allowing what is here. Suitable for everyone.
How Much? £10 (Practice for Living Members £7)
Practice for Living is a teacher-led online membership to support, sustain and deepen your mindfulness practice. It is currently closed to new members but if you are interested contact me to be added to a waiting list to hear about when it next opens.